
Floor design with a green conscience

Healthy indoor materials are simply a must. Because we spend 80 to 90 % of our lives in closed rooms and breathe in the indoor air. Today's almost airtight building structures reduce the air circulation so much that pollutants from different materials can accumulate in the room. EXPONA floors carry the "Indoor Air Comfort Gold" seal, which is only awarded to products that fall below all specified VOC emission limits and thus guarantee the best indoor air.

  • "Indoor Air Comfort Gold" certificate from eurofins - VOC emission limits
  • Floor coverings are awarded the BES 6001 certificate
  • Our floor coverings are internationally certified with FloorScore LEED credits

Hygienic - healthy living space

A floor covering can make an important contribution to the health of its users: if they are easy to clean, germs and bacteria cannot take hold and mould does not develop in damp conditions. EXPONA floors are hygienic, waterproof and even perfectly suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

Good for you and the environment: sustainably produced vinyl floors

Emission allowances:

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